Sunday, October 25, 2009

HW: 14 Games VS TV

Games are very controversial in Every Thing Bad is Good for You by Steven Johnson. He brings up the common topics that people think about games where video games help hand-eye coordination and games in general can help relationship building skills. Then the people that challenge that say it isolates people and causes violent reactions to conflicts. Although ideas were presented that I could have not drawn out from the topic.

The Chapter about television began explaining the evolution of it. A point in the beginning was that the mental consumer of the TV likes to be able think that they are smart because they are able to understand a comment or joke said on screen, but all the actual thinking is going on, on the screen. The creators know what to write to attract the viewers. The chapter went on explaining storyline and but shows on a graph eplaining the plot of the tv shows; the flow of a show and shows like Stasky and Hutch all ther

A point I would say is useful is about the parallel universe and how videogames are discovered prior to text, and the prejudice against it would be a useful argument to promote the use of video games. Another that is not useful although I agree with where after being frustrated with a part of a game, it starts to feel physical , as if the challenge in the game has become an physical illness.

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