Monday, October 5, 2009

HW: 10

Statics have show that 73.9% of the north American population have used the Internet, which is 251,735,500 people just in north America itself. 87% of Surveyed people say that they use the Internet for research but the 13% percent of people that don't use the Internet for research is 32,725,615 people. even though all these people research only a fraction of these people are actually able to find the information. Should we have these freedoms to search what ever we want? should the Internet only allow sites that have news and facts. with all these problems reported about twitter, facebook, myspace, and other social networking sites. maybe its not a problem some individuals are just taking advantage of the Internet. Antoher problem with the advancment of technology is that people think that they are able to text while they drive. I've been yelled at because I was walking while texting , I ran into people.

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