Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Comment on Chris R 10-14 Blog Treasure Hunting

chris i thought that your recent posts were amazing. In each post you showed some creativity, which was fun to read and it made this commenting enjoyable. There has been improvement from your earlier bloging which was also interesting to notice. some of the most interesting things that you had written down were the statistics on the research homework. how there are 6 billion people on earth and of those six, four billion of them have personal cell phones. also from that post you could make a paper using opposing health issues with technology.

All of the 10-14 were really good. the tone of your writing is very enjoyable, it is not like you are yelling at the reader, and i feel like i am having a conversation reading these. you don't seem to have to write an essay full of bullshit, what you write is short sweet and to the point.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

HW: 14 Games VS TV

Games are very controversial in Every Thing Bad is Good for You by Steven Johnson. He brings up the common topics that people think about games where video games help hand-eye coordination and games in general can help relationship building skills. Then the people that challenge that say it isolates people and causes violent reactions to conflicts. Although ideas were presented that I could have not drawn out from the topic.

The Chapter about television began explaining the evolution of it. A point in the beginning was that the mental consumer of the TV likes to be able think that they are smart because they are able to understand a comment or joke said on screen, but all the actual thinking is going on, on the screen. The creators know what to write to attract the viewers. The chapter went on explaining storyline and but shows on a graph eplaining the plot of the tv shows; the flow of a show and shows like Stasky and Hutch all ther

A point I would say is useful is about the parallel universe and how videogames are discovered prior to text, and the prejudice against it would be a useful argument to promote the use of video games. Another that is not useful although I agree with where after being frustrated with a part of a game, it starts to feel physical , as if the challenge in the game has become an physical illness.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Comment on Christian b first post


Amazing start on the digital unit. You have very intriguing thoughts, Your humor is outstanding which makes your reading a hobby. I love your idea of how people won't admit how they live their lives. Your tone is seems mysterious, and inventive.

Your questions of what people would choose, to live in a completely digital world, or the non digital world, people don't realize that they spend a majority of their time in the day that is not required by anyone else. Watching tv, surfing the internet, socializing via myspace/facebook. You are correct that they way that we live puts us on "Planet Cyborg". 

Reading Gavin's had part that reminded me of yours, he talks about how people don't have to be a good singer, technology can make anyone sound as if they had an amazing voice. People deny that technology make them sound better. His posting was also humorous like yours.

It would be awesome if you also talked about planet earth, and no one can use any technology, and because everyone thinks that they are the better person by choosing planet earth, you could talk about what the people might do. You can also give us an answer to your question so we know what you would say if you were asked that question.

Reading your post makes me want to live on planet cyborg. I am so used to being able to go look something up that i did not understand in a few seconds flat. Im sure i would be able to survive planet earth but i fear so much advancement would be lost if I did not go there.

I loved writing this response it helped me think outside of how i normally think

Comment on Chris R video

Nice first video for the unit for one of the first videos that i have viewed gave me am idea of what this unit is about. Even though few words spoken it gave me an idea of what technology has done to us.

The part where you stated that your sister is being sucked into digital universe, made me think that she is rowing up in what we think is advanced when she is our age, the technology that will be out might change how people live.

The video reminds me of just being in the computer lab at school, a majority of people do the same thing. Come in sit down log on and get lost in cyber space.

For your next video that you do you might want to get some images of yourself. I may just have been for this assignment, and i am not sure what next we might have to make a video. This assignment was just to watch yourself but i am able to judge what is going on.

Watching your video then my own again their is very little difference. It is a routine . You type in the address then you had facebook set up so it remembered you password. It is a procedure that you had seemed custom to.

I hope i get to see more of your videos after seeing this one- Jin

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Feed is purely a mirror, tragedy yes, hammer no. The book is refreshing, written very precisely, and I understand that the Feed basically take over there lives but this book will not be able to stop the mass. People enjoy the lifestyle that they live (middle to upper class people), to be in contact with others via facebook, myspace, and AIM the convenience of instantaneous update, just like in “Feed.” The allegory is definitely without a doubt a tragedy. It is sad to read that they are hospitalized because of a hacked feed.

Even if this book was magic and everyone who read it changed the way that they lived their lives. The mass is preoccupied with technology. 11% of the US owns an ipod but those are the statistics from Feb 2005 when ipods were becoming popular with the crowed. That is 22 million people

Monday, October 19, 2009

HW: 12- Feed 1

Our own lives are tragedies. What the fuck are we suppose to do? We are living the Feed. I wish I could say something less cliché although it is unfortunate that it is the inevitable. Whatever, with that noise, “Feed” is just an alternate universe to our own where words and styles are just swapped. It is a bit of an extremists view. It feels that the author is trying just to make a non bias statement although; he clearly is saying that the way we live (our universe) are controlled by what popular figures do.

People are scared of new and change, they are scary, this and Jewish holidays do not make sense to me. Jews fast because there ancestors struggled and were starved by some ruler, where I think that they should embrace the fact that they come this far in time so they should have a feast where they eat, same thing with this whole digital age. There is still time to improve.

M.T. Anderson is not able to view the digital scheme like my generation. I maybe completely (purposely written) understand his view but he does not see my own. The way I see it he should have written a comedy. Real is funny and this topic could not be any more real than it is.

Monday, October 5, 2009

HW: 10

Statics have show that 73.9% of the north American population have used the Internet, which is 251,735,500 people just in north America itself. 87% of Surveyed people say that they use the Internet for research but the 13% percent of people that don't use the Internet for research is 32,725,615 people. even though all these people research only a fraction of these people are actually able to find the information. Should we have these freedoms to search what ever we want? should the Internet only allow sites that have news and facts. with all these problems reported about twitter, facebook, myspace, and other social networking sites. maybe its not a problem some individuals are just taking advantage of the Internet. Antoher problem with the advancment of technology is that people think that they are able to text while they drive. I've been yelled at because I was walking while texting , I ran into people.