Monday, November 23, 2009

HW: 25 Story Complements and Analysis

Jin said...
Dear Chloe,
your story is purely the definition of cool. I liked how you describe the things that people think but don't say. clothes is a major factor of cool. it is almost as if it is a race. groups form based on how people dress. Also your story covered the money factor of cool because your character never wore the same outfit.

Jin said...
Night elf,
nice story i am glad that you used the element of danger. Bob a white mans name which i also like because white people in in history generally have seemed to be superior. And it looks good to be in control. Also you made the point that weak and cowardly is uncool. I would classify this as a movie bully, and the kid getting hurt is the main character. I hope to read more of these.

I feel that this is a part of cool that it left out, and is applied to everyone. everyday when people get prepared for school they try to dress the best they can to impress people. your story also show the sad part of being cool because Lou'Qwan did not dress correctly he is not cool. cute story.

Jin said...
I am getting that being mean is a mean is a theme of being cool. i can also understand why this new kid is mean, he is insecure and this is an easy approach to become cool. this guy is also creating drama which a lot of people get caught up in which makes him an interesting. it makes something to talk about in school. i hope i able able to read more of these-jin

Jin said...
Dear Conan,
I like your buddha teqnuqie in the beginning wear he is taking off all his equipment that is expensive implying that he has money. I can relate this to a day in school because similar incidents go on. and part of being cool is also identifying who is a loser. the comparison improves how you look, if there was no losers then the social hierarchy would fall apart.

One specific thing that i noticed was that making others look weak makes a person seem cooler. in three of the stories that i commented on someone was getting beat up, or made fun of. this is a common technique used by the insecure because calling out other peoples flaws is simple, hurtful, and affective. In many american tv shows the bully is THE JOCK. who is has the duty to make people feel less about them selfs with intern promotes them selfs.

clothing also played a large role in being cool (my story also involved clothing too). My theory behind this is that. famous people were expensive clothes that promote large name brands. and by wearing these clothes it looks like you have money similar to famous people, as if you and a famous person are on the same social level.

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