Tuesday, November 17, 2009

HW: 23 1st Constructive Exploration of Cool

the course of five years living in new york time has been a factor of cool. Many ideas came up in class what is cool? the meaning, but over time it has changed, and it has changed rapidly. I don't feel like this came up in class and if it did we did not talk much about it. the big idea of cool has not changed. but identifies something as cool has. A year or two ago it was all about being "fresh" or "phresh" an if you were not you would technically be considered "dirty." fresh is being about dressing in sharp clean colors, with brands that people can identify as expensive.

when i first came to "FOS" new was on everyones mind. i was the new kid because i came midway through the year, and everyone wanted to talk to me. i figure if they know the know about the new kid then they know something that everyone else does not know. they way people dressed then was also much different. i came to school wearing a sweater vest and jeans that fit properly, and it seemed that the "baggyer" the clothes you wear the cooler you were. it also had to do with popular figures 50 cent wore baggy clothes.

when did cool not matter? preschool was the last time i can barley remember where cool did not count. then i went to kindergarden were there were groups of elites. none of the nose pickers or farters, these groups were the best looking, sport playing and had the most friends. and cool totally matters to me. even now i feel the cooler that you are the more you are able to network.

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