Monday, November 23, 2009

HW: 25 Story Complements and Analysis

Jin said...
Dear Chloe,
your story is purely the definition of cool. I liked how you describe the things that people think but don't say. clothes is a major factor of cool. it is almost as if it is a race. groups form based on how people dress. Also your story covered the money factor of cool because your character never wore the same outfit.

Jin said...
Night elf,
nice story i am glad that you used the element of danger. Bob a white mans name which i also like because white people in in history generally have seemed to be superior. And it looks good to be in control. Also you made the point that weak and cowardly is uncool. I would classify this as a movie bully, and the kid getting hurt is the main character. I hope to read more of these.

I feel that this is a part of cool that it left out, and is applied to everyone. everyday when people get prepared for school they try to dress the best they can to impress people. your story also show the sad part of being cool because Lou'Qwan did not dress correctly he is not cool. cute story.

Jin said...
I am getting that being mean is a mean is a theme of being cool. i can also understand why this new kid is mean, he is insecure and this is an easy approach to become cool. this guy is also creating drama which a lot of people get caught up in which makes him an interesting. it makes something to talk about in school. i hope i able able to read more of these-jin

Jin said...
Dear Conan,
I like your buddha teqnuqie in the beginning wear he is taking off all his equipment that is expensive implying that he has money. I can relate this to a day in school because similar incidents go on. and part of being cool is also identifying who is a loser. the comparison improves how you look, if there was no losers then the social hierarchy would fall apart.

One specific thing that i noticed was that making others look weak makes a person seem cooler. in three of the stories that i commented on someone was getting beat up, or made fun of. this is a common technique used by the insecure because calling out other peoples flaws is simple, hurtful, and affective. In many american tv shows the bully is THE JOCK. who is has the duty to make people feel less about them selfs with intern promotes them selfs.

clothing also played a large role in being cool (my story also involved clothing too). My theory behind this is that. famous people were expensive clothes that promote large name brands. and by wearing these clothes it looks like you have money similar to famous people, as if you and a famous person are on the same social level.

Friday, November 20, 2009

HW: 24- Short Story (A Haiku Of Short Stories)

He got dressed in the brightest colored clothes that he owned. Laced his neck with gold. Went in front of the mirror and told himself that “I am the shit and everyone wants to fuck me.” After giving himself the “OK” he steped outside. His keys dangled from his finger tips. With a press of a button the car roars. Two women pass by impressed by his values. Car low to the ground, the engine revs and the car takes off and is out of eyesight in seconds.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

HW: 23 1st Constructive Exploration of Cool

the course of five years living in new york time has been a factor of cool. Many ideas came up in class what is cool? the meaning, but over time it has changed, and it has changed rapidly. I don't feel like this came up in class and if it did we did not talk much about it. the big idea of cool has not changed. but identifies something as cool has. A year or two ago it was all about being "fresh" or "phresh" an if you were not you would technically be considered "dirty." fresh is being about dressing in sharp clean colors, with brands that people can identify as expensive.

when i first came to "FOS" new was on everyones mind. i was the new kid because i came midway through the year, and everyone wanted to talk to me. i figure if they know the know about the new kid then they know something that everyone else does not know. they way people dressed then was also much different. i came to school wearing a sweater vest and jeans that fit properly, and it seemed that the "baggyer" the clothes you wear the cooler you were. it also had to do with popular figures 50 cent wore baggy clothes.

when did cool not matter? preschool was the last time i can barley remember where cool did not count. then i went to kindergarden were there were groups of elites. none of the nose pickers or farters, these groups were the best looking, sport playing and had the most friends. and cool totally matters to me. even now i feel the cooler that you are the more you are able to network.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Art Project

In midst of being uploaded to vimeo should be up by afternoon

Monday, November 9, 2009

Final draft Big paper


Introduction: Going digital is on everybody’s minds. It affects everyone, and change is happening faster and faster. Many viewers question if this new age is hurting underdeveloped youth. For example myself, always had a computer, and when a new one came out the old one would be replaced. If the world had ended survival for most youth and teen would be impossible because the time that youth spend awake they watch fake shows on TV, spend hours on the Internet on social networks, and on their mobile devices. Interviews that I had recorded from people on the street said that they spent up to twelve hours on the Internet, watching TV, or on the cell phone. The average person sleeps about six hours; subtract six and twelve from a day, leaves six hours of regular life.4 The new digital age should not be frowned upon. The advancement is crazy. The sizes of these new devices are amazing. It has opened a whole new field of studies, and has made a demand for employment. What is not to love about it? One of the best aspects of it is that it is convenient, information on the spot. The digital advancement is actually doing more damage than improvement. It is keeping people from being natural.

Argument 1: Of recent to access new information people go on the Internet to find out the latest information about people and how to look. Many things are going on in this portion of people’s lives. One of the first things that once people are on the Internet they seem not to be connected with real life. A video project that was about recording ourselves use the technology that we use often and the videos a subtle and disturbing. A majority of the videos that were made for the class with or without music no one was speaking, and no one looked at anything else. Our minds become trapped on the computer and we neglect the outside world. The book “feed” by MJ Anderson is an allegory that purely represents the current lifestyles of Americans. Unfortunately the book is also a tragedy. All the characters are connected to the feed that is connected to everything else in the world, and every person who has it installed in their head. The feed constantly sends each person new information and once style changes the feed can update their entire image.5 Throughout the book the characters only have one “real” experience, where there feed is hacked and shutdown. In this experience they actually notice what is going on, there are no plants, everything that should be natural is fake. The characters explain that they thought that it was “boring,” it is something that they have not experienced for while and it is sad they are unable to handle natural life. The Feed prevents them from being natural and the result is a loss of everything that is real.

Argument 2: Convenience is the key idea of new technology; maybe it has become too convenient. It is nice to be able to calculate problems on your cell phone that and average person would not be able to solve. What is the result of constant use of this though? In class we viewed the movie WALL-E. It takes place further in time, and the opening scene it is earth and it is covered in trash and there is not a single green patch of plants. Humans left the planet to trash compacting robots, where there is only one left. Further in the movie WALL-E is on a space Cruise ship were he runs into the first people. Everyone is fat and they have a small screen in front of them. They are carried around in robotic chair. In one of the scenes two people are having a conversation were they are sitting right next to each other although they remain in their seats and talk to the screen that connects them.3 It is very similar to “feed” although this is not an allegory it is a prediction of what to come for people. When humans first appeared on the planet life was in manual. If they had a conversation they would walk over to each other. In the movie people communicate via chair phone, even so cell phones are very unnatural too, we are replacing people with plastic pieces and isolating ourselves, sick but too true.

Argument 3: In the beginning of the digital unit, the first assignment that required students to think about the digital age I felt was a very significant to our whole unit. It was when everyone’s minds were fresh on the idea. Chloe’s post included an image of a kid who I would assumed was assigned to mop and his quote says, “ Where’s the ‘on’ button to this thing” 2This may be slightly stretched but youth have been impacted heavily by the digital army. Are people becoming “dumb?” Manual labor the work of the strong-minded is coming to a screeching halt. People are starting to refuse to do simple tasks. Some cannot read analog clocks, not saying that they are a natural occurrence. It came much prior to the digital era and was a major step in evolution and it has become forgotten. Just the use of digital items is unnatural because it only took a few minds to figure out an ultimate convenience device.

Connections: I let technology clean up my messes, spelling and grammar check does the work. Andy Snyder had once said that even though we know we do change; not word for word; the point is made. I know myself and as much as I would like to break free from my lifestyle I cannot. It is very difficult when something is trying to help you and you say know. I cannot stop using my cellular phone. If I need to speak with my mother I am not going to go to her office where she may or may not be. It is a situation where you know that this is an unhealthy life but you have to do what you have to do to survive.1

Opposing Views: Maybe this whole digital thing is natural? People keep evolving, and some say that this is what is next. It could be a total possibility because we will never stop learning. The book Learning in the Digital Age by John Seely Brown had written down that young people are continuing human evolution via growing up with all this technology. It is an entirely new way of thinking about it because there was the light bulb, the camera; this might be where people should be at with technology as of now. An assignment was made where we had to interview people on the street, and ask about their digital use. Indirectly people said that it was natural. Much of mainstream propaganda displays this whole up rise of technology as “unhealthy.” People have thought otherwise because on the interview people said that they would not be able to live without technology.

Conclusion: Digital life is unnatural, if people were running around in the buff while talking on the cell phone maybe not. What work is left for the next generation, technology has been able to do work for the unintelligent. It creates a barrier blocking everyone from reality, and we can’t escape it. I wish it were more difficult to explain, the explanation is just simple. Looking from both sides of the story you can say that they both have point, but a good medicine should not come with side effects. The side effects are unsafe, to have a product that will damage you for slight convenience should not even be considered.
4. Personal experience

Friday, November 6, 2009

Comment on my own Draft

Jin said...
not a bad start some grammar needs to be fixed but this was all done early in the morning/last night so i would not expect you to be in the brightest state of mind.

My grade on Jessica C Draft

Jin said...
-Be careful leave out "another source i used was"
-i thought that you had a good thesis but i cant find it here
- going in the right direction but i am sure that you know what to do next

draft 1 not done

Going digital is on everybody’s minds. It affects everyone, and change is happening faster and faster. Many viewers question if this new age is hurting underdeveloped youth. For example myself, always had a computer, and when a new one came out the old one would be replaced. If the world had ended survival for most youth and teen would be impossible because the time that youth spend awake they watch fake shows on TV, spend hours on the Internet on social networks, and on their mobile devices. Interviews that I had recorded from people on the street said that they spent up to twelve hours on the Internet, watching TV, or on the cell phone. The average person sleeps about six hours; subtract six and twelve from a day, leaves six hours of regular life. The new digital age should not be frowned upon. The advancement is crazy. The sizes of these new devices are amazing. It has opened a whole new field of studies, and has made a demand for employment. What is not to love about it?
The digital advancement is actually doing more damage than improvement. It keeps people from being natural.

Of recent to access new information people go on the Internet to find out the latest information about people and how to look. Many things are going on in this portion of people’s lives. One of the first things that once people are on the Internet they seem not to be connected with real life. A video project that was about recording ourselves use the technology that we use often and the videos a subtle and disturbing. A majority of the videos that were made for the class with or without music no one was speaking, and no one looked at anything else. Our minds become trapped on the computer and we neglect the outside world. The book “feed” by MJ Anderson is an allegory that purely represents the current lifestyles of Americans. Unfortunately the book is also a tragedy. All the characters are connected to the feed that is connected to everything else in the world, and every person who has it installed in their head. The feed constantly sends each person new information and once style changes the feed can update their entire image. Throughout the book the characters only have one “real” experience, where there feed is hacked and shutdown. In this experience they actually notice what is going on, there are no plants, everything that should be natural is fake. “Quote in feed where they explain their thoughts about not having the feed” The characters explain that they thought that it was “boring,” it is something that they have not experienced for while and it is sad they are unable to handle natural life.

In class we viewed the movie WALL-E. It takes place further in time, and the opening scene it is earth and it is covered in trash and there is not a single green patch of plants. Humans left the planet to trash compacting robots, where there is only one left. Further in the movie WALL-E is on a space Cruise ship were he runs into the first people. Everyone is fat and they have a small screen in front of them. They are carried around in robotic chair. In one of the scenes two people are having a conversation were

Classmates created experiments to test on them selves where they had to adjust something about their digital lives. I had created an experiment where I had a single hour to watch TV, go on the Internet, talk/text on my cell phone. My results, I did not use a single second of it. I took my bike out and road it all day. I sat in the park, stayed at a pier in Brooklyn, bought myself an ice cream cone. I was not able to really understand what this experiment really had meant. A few nights later thoughts came in my mind about that it was sad to think the only way to change my digital life is do maek these experiments
{Statics have show that 73.9% of the north American population have used the Internet, which is 251,735,500 people just in north America itself. 87% of Surveyed people say that they use the Internet for research but the 13% percent of people that don't use the Internet for research is 32,725,615 people. even though all these people research only a fraction of these people are actually able to find the information. Should we have these freedoms to search what ever we want? should the Internet only allow sites that have news and facts. with all these problems reported about twitter, facebook, myspace, and other social networking sites. maybe its not a problem some individuals are just taking advantage of the Internet. Antoher problem with the advancment of technology is that people think that they are able to text while they drive. I've been yelled at because I was walking while texting , I ran into people.}-from blog editing

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Comment on Matt B- outline

strong outline, i get the big idea that you think that this while digital age is having a negative affect people. I can surly see this paper flow. I am benefiting off this because I have many ideas, but i need to organize them. Anyways your thesis is simple but poses an argument worth supporting. Can't wait to read the paper

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Big paper {incomplete}

Going digital is on everybody’s minds. It affects everyone, and change is happening faster and faster. Many viewers question if this new age is hurting underdeveloped youth. For example myself, always had a computer, and when a new one came out the old one would be replaced. If the world had ended survival for most youth and teen would be impossible because the time that youth spend awake they watch fake shows on TV, spend hours on the Internet on social networks, and on their mobile devices. Interviews that I had recorded from people on the street said that they spent up to twelve hours on the Internet, watching TV, or on the cell phone. The average person sleeps about six hours; subtract six and twelve from a day, leaves six hours of regular life. The new digital age should not be frowned upon. The advancement is crazy. The sizes of these new devices are amazing. It has opened a whole new field of studies, and has made a demand for employment. What is not to love about it? The ability to talk to relatives on the other side of the planet (C.S.). (thesis undecided yet, emptying mind of ideas)

Classmates created experiments to test on them selves where they had to adjust something about their digital lives. I had created an experiment where I had a single hour to watch TV, go on the Internet, talk/text on my cell phone. My results, I did not use a single second of it. I took my bike out and road it all day. I sat in the park, stayed at a pier in Brooklyn, bought myself an ice cream cone. I was not able to really understand what this experiment really had meant. A few nights later thoughts came in my mind about that it was sad to think the only way to change my digital life is do maek these experiments

{Statics have show that 73.9% of the north American population have used the Internet, which is 251,735,500 people just in north America itself. 87% of Surveyed people say that they use the Internet for research but the 13% percent of people that don't use the Internet for research is 32,725,615 people. even though all these people research only a fraction of these people are actually able to find the information. Should we have these freedoms to search what ever we want? should the Internet only allow sites that have news and facts. with all these problems reported about twitter, facebook, myspace, and other social networking sites. maybe its not a problem some individuals are just taking advantage of the Internet. Antoher problem with the advancment of technology is that people think that they are able to text while they drive. I've been yelled at because I was walking while texting , I ran into people.}-from blog editing