Thursday, May 13, 2010

HW- 55

Part 1: How does the communication between a teacher and a student contribute to the success of their experience at school, could to much lead to a lack of independence after grade school?

Part 2: not done

Sunday, May 9, 2010

HW: 54 Test

Looking at my results made my head exploded of thoughts and i will try to cover them all. The exact results i can see how they processed. I don't know if i answered them truthfully or that i didn't want these to be my results. the brief results say that I am a artist, and I do enjoy creating things, maybe not painting or drawing but inventing things which is art to me. I think that the results are useful because it can help yourself guide a carrier or a Hobie in that direction and there is a decent chance that the results will be successful. The test can help anyone that might need some guidance. It does not say this is a Carrier or path that you have to fallow but if answered honestly it will show your best interest.

The site's information page tells about Sir Francis Galton the inventor of the psychological test. "Hans Eysenck and Raymond B. Cattell who theorized that personality was made up of behavioral variables called traits or factors"(Similar Minds)All the test on the site are either proven or experimental; even if they are still being tested all the questions are "pre-tested" and "validated." one factor of the test that seems to lead to accurate results is every question is a word in the defintion of the result.

My Results
ISFP - "Artist". Interested in the fine arts. Expression primarily through action or art form. The senses are keener than in other types. 8.8% of total population.
Free Jung Personality Test (similar to Myers-Briggs/MBTI)

Introverted (I) 51.61% Extroverted (E) 48.39%
Sensing (S) 51.35% Intuitive (N) 48.65%
Feeling (F) 57.14% Thinking (T) 42.86%
Perceiving (P) 56.1% Judging (J) 43.9%

Part 2
I am 50/50 weather this test can benefit a relationship. Using the test in a professional relationship can be helpful for job placement. Although the results that you are looking for a good time, like to party, and prone to laziness, at a law firm looks bad. I work for a Japanese company, and at work it is full focus on getting the job done, pleasing the customer, and optimizing efficiency at the same time. You can show some personality but you need to be somewhat reserved. once out of work you can return to normal and go out and have fun and be the total opposite. I would not recomend using the test in a romantic relationship there is a very good chance that one partner will not like the others results leading to break-ups and stress.

HW: 53- Survey Analysis

Part 2: When i took the survey I felt uncomfortable and somewhat violated even though i knew that no one would be able to see where the answers were from. i answered the honest truth and looking back over what i had filled in and thought to my self that im not a good person (mainly to my family). I wont say that i learned a lot about myself because a lot of the topics flow through my head everyday and i am constantly judging myself. when answering the questions sometimes i want to put down what i really wanted the answer to b, and answering them was asking myself what i feel it should mean. in school is try to find the best reason to not be there. if I answered truthfully not saying that i didn't its that i would want to make the best looking results. hard to explain and this unit is taking a toll on my brain. to end this paragraph i don't want to but a depressed label on everything its just that i don't understand why every answer does not seem right.

Part 3: Im sure that everyone is crazy about some of the turnouts about suicide, sex, and relationships. I am too, because you go on blaming yourself. But two things are displayed here. both are obvious (somewhat). There are the direct answers and the reasons for the answers. I know that in class we talked about who answered the questions is a factor, but also one what level are these people answering on. when it came to questions that if anyone answered yes/completely, and it was about something bad few will answer truthfully. I am not trying to sound repetitive although by writing i am trying to understand the answers myself. I am not surprised and i did not have any expectations. I just knew that the outcome would just be an array of numbers. With every point that was put down i am sure there is a deeper explanation. there were many choices to answer and the choice to not answer to all. the whole thing just seems black and white. i respect that everyone is different and has an explanation why. I assume that the takers of the survey mostly fear themselves

Part 4: There were the obvious similarities between the surveys allowing the recipient to have a couple of options to the topics which are always helpful and gives a larger result. One similarity that seems to be forgotten is the short answers. people mainly like to look at the numbers because they seem precise, the short answers should have more respect in the end because they can be the honest answers. Comparing the the surveys did open up a different perspective on researching issues for me mainly because with most answers there are shades of grey.

Monday, April 26, 2010

HW - 50 - Your response to a set of readings and final interviews on schooling

John Taylor Gatto was a teacher for over 30 years and can only blame school for lack of student interest. His article on "How public schools cripple our kids, and why." He found himself as well as all the students board in the classroom. he later references his father saying to him that if "I was bored it was my fault and no one else's." In his teacher of the year acceptance speech he talks about how it is a rough time for education. He continues to talk about school being to blame for the bad grades and lack of attraction.

I personally agree with Gatto because i am a student and i know how it feels to be in a boring class. Many students would agree too, when we know what is going on in class that day you get the feeling that it is not important to be in the class. The days that we know that something interesting is occurring in class that day you will notice a slightly higher attendance.

Paulo Freire's idea of teaching is vary plan and simple. Student comes to school a few teachers fill their minds with information that the students sit and absorb. It is a to b, the students have no choice in what they can learn. his article goes on about contradictions in education, that if students had an influence on their own education they would actually need a teacher to give them options then again how would the students know what to teach themselves.

Freire's theories have been my favorite. all of his ideas seem to connect to the the average school life. The main idea is summed up that the young minds are empty and the teachers have the obligation to fill NOT DONE

Lisa Delpit teaches young students and her idea is that she can feed the children complex work and they will feel that it is natural. She realizes that this is not the most interesting way to teach but it is possable

HW - 49 - A 4-6 paragraph analysis of your section's class savior/teacher film

I had written a story line for the classes super teacher movie. it was not chosen, although i was allowed to contribute to to Victor's script. in the final cut of the movie i was in a quick flash. I played as a background.

Our classes movie was signaling that students need to respect teachers. the basic outline of the story is that a new teacher comes in to school after studying super teacher movies, and the students are not fooled. the students hurt the teachers feelings and later arrives to class a mess, the students pity him. problems are solved and the teacher has cured them.

the short movie's tone was loud and sad. in the class room it was noisy, people were making a mess of the class. andy the protagonist, his voice was not able to be herd in the first half of the movie. two thirds of the movie was a tragedy, its a shame that all these inner city school children have no respect for someone that is on a mission to help, its is also sad and i thought that it was a bit of a fail in the story line that the teacher was weak and had no control and that the only reason that there was respect is that andy went down a self destructive path.

In a sense the class film and the savior teacher had the same goal, to teach the delinquents, victor's idea was basically watching an ugly hamlet 2. All the other main characters in the super teacher movies were were determined throughout the entire movie and a majority of the time the saviors pitied the students.

going to an inner city school gave me a different perspective when watching the super teacher movies. Our school is not rough considering the others schools in the city.

Monday, April 12, 2010

HW 48 - Treatment for Savior/Teacher Movie

Ronald Calvin is new to the teaching environment he just received call from a school that put him on hold. There was an incident that left a student and a teacher in the hospital. The argument was apparently provoked by the student. at home Ronald watches the full review over he news and hops on his NETFLIX account and browses through some war movies and documentaries on dictators that show discipline and he takes notes.

His first day of work finally arrives. he walks through the metal gate that forked at the top ensuring that no one can go over the fence. There are bars on the window, the building has a cold feeling like being in a prison. he arrives at fifteen to eight and heads into the from office. There are no students to be seen. He asks the only secretary "where are al the students?" she replies that they show about twenty past the hour. Ronald is dressed in a grey suit, and put on a nice neck tie. the woman at the front desk in in her fifties, overweight, wearing a cardigan glasses with neck change.

Ronald wonders into the principles office has a very classic introduction. Juan Phanning is a man about discipline, wants no relationship with rouge students. Phanning provides Ronald with a cautionary tale.

Ronald runs through a day of class identifying who all of his students are and the roles that they play. In midst of watching a James bond special on Spike TV he is inspired to be a double agent at school. get on the students side hang out with them then once that they all think that they are on his side he will pull the plug.

His girlfriend is not happy about his plans but ignores her warnings. He winds up smoking with the stoners, gets involved with other crimes with the students. He begins to destroy his relationship with his girlfriend. After a couple weeks of crazy crime, drug abuse, and showing up later than the students at school. He lays in bed alone at home and looks through all the notes and all the careful planning has failed. The next morning he shaves puts a fresh suit on arrives to school the next early. When the students arrive, he has them form a circle of chairs and tells all of them his plans to screw them over.

The students have made friends with him and he has created a strong bond with him. Ronald lays on the new that he is going to lose his job if their grades don't improve. Phanning has made it clear to him that is his students don't pass the midterm that all the students will be kicked out of school and Ronald will not be able to teach in the entire county.

He has held the students back for a while and the rest of the movie the students are the only ones showing up on time to school. Ronald makes class fun for the students playing videos, games, and history reenactments. Later shots of the school is bright. gates are off the windows, a fresh coat of paint. The school looks very welcoming. The morning of the midterms one his students that had a rough home life was found shot and killed in the early morning. The rest of the students scored high and Ronald kept his job, his class graduated to the next grade and the school was renamed in memory of the student who died.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

HW 41-Initial Reaseach on Schooling

Weir, Laila. "The Edutopia Poll." Edutopia n. pag. Web. 24 Feb 2010. .
This is a Women that is posing a problem for others insight. In her piece she is saying that the more that they push kids the less they aspire to read. Although allowing them to choose books of choice might not allow them to be challenged. One of the input was from a K-8 teacher saying basically that it is there education, and they should guide there reading based off interest. Then there is the typical input where there teachers need to control the list of books that kids choose from.

This is all part of the experience of school and the choice of what you learn. Moving forward to high school There should be an actual choice class. not a list composed by adults something that the person learning can actually benefit from. The Edutopia Poll is presenting the same issue, some times books should be based on interest.

Langer, Lori. "Removing kids from class an unacceptable choice." Bucks County Courier Times (2010): n. pag. Web. 24 Feb 2010. .
The author describes an incident at a school misbehaved students were removed from the class and neglected. The issue is that further damage is being done to the students by not allowing them to learn.

No education as punishment, that could also be a reward. Some teachers assign more work to students if they misbehave. IT then becomes a problem for the student. Just today I took a unit test and i missed a day in the class and there was an entire section that I was unable to answer. The students are headed to further delinquency. This leads to a bad school experience leading to a poor future.

Lowry, Donna. "Class Act Teacher Follows As Kids Lead." NBC (2008): n. pag. Web. 25 Feb 2010. .
Lowry's article on teacher Kathrine Green a kindergarten teacher that allows the students to run the class. The Kids come up with the ideas and she helps make them educational.

Allowing the students to create the course allows creativity, also what hey will be learning will be based off interest, which means that there will be more produtivity in class and at home. kids, teens, youth, should have a good experience in school and learnsomthing that they can actually benifit from. NOT saying that core classes should be cut, but this idea can be integrated into these classes.

Ahlstrom, Charissarsa. "Collaborating with Students to Build Curriculum that Incorporates Real-Life Materials." National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy 6.C (2003): n. pag. Web. 25 Feb 2010. .

Charissarsa's article was explaining that what the people that are learning should