Monday, December 21, 2009

HW: 28 Informal research
One of the sites that i found just by typing in how to be cool was this guide. the guide was mainly saying that to be cool you must not care what others think of you and express it so people know that you don't care. and there is a ratio of social to clingy, you have to be able to present yourself to people but not attach yourself to a as single person. you also need to know what to say don't say anything to personal or ask anything to personal. if they say they like to shop talk about what places and peoples styles. avoid saying things that end a conversation. posture is also key because if you hunched over and you have your head down and you talk quietly and nervously people are not going to be interested. you want to leave a good affect where if you see these people or person again they will be happy to see you.
i also found a guide to how to be cool in college it was about the same as the first guide that i found but i noticed that a key was to befriend the RA which is the supervisor of the dorms and by doing this i assume that they will be nice in return and if you are trying bring a girl back to your room they will not report it. the last RULE that was written was that you need to have game. you have to deliver pick-up lines smoothly and know how to get girls attention.
everyone one wants to be around people like this. there are the people that are lone wolfs but in college it is about being the person that is different but part of a group. groups are composed of different people with different skills there is the funny guy. the stoner. the classy guy that waltz's around in a robe. but they all fallow the rules above.,9171,1088699,00.html
the article it titled GOT TO BE COOL TO BE BAD. they say that at 13 life starts to change you start to noticed a attraction to sex. and the obsession to be cool. the narrator in the article said that sometimes she had to be disrespectful to the teacher in order to look cool. Its was constant battle between being bad and good. the interesting thing is that cool is just a feeling whereas having a good education is a larger priority to this person. another issue is that this person is in junior high its middle school you become less aware of the more important things in life. it is hard to say no to people because there are all these new things to experience that everyone else has been played to do the word yes is the definite answer.
How to be cool according to ask men
the major points to becoming cool are dress well, have a nice girlfriend( a good looking one), associate with cool people, be knowledgeable, be funny, and be mysterious. most of these i am familiar with although the part of being a guy who has a hot girl got my attention is being straight is cool. you can have all the other qualities but being gay sets you back on the list because they are the minority. there are the dumb jocks that are cool and there are the smart people too. normally the smart people are nerds and losers but the is a difference. these people back in school

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