Friday, January 22, 2010

HW 36- Triangle Partner Help

Jin said...
First i noticed that you used andys style of layout which i thought was organized and helpful made it flow better.

if it helps a sharper thesis might be- Cool is an idea that constantly transforms

Magazines like teen vogue send out a new issue each month about the new style and trends. Not fallowing the trends can make people uncool. It seems unfair that cool is not about being you it is about what large companies say is cool. it is also a guide how to live your life. Tips to being heathy and skinny (like models) advice sections. In other words how to be cool?
i hope this helps out in any way good luck

you are defiantly heading in the right direction maybe ad some real life examples mag cut outs are and article from the magazines

JANUARY 22, 2010 4:26 AM

Jin said...
First of all great start i liked the part where you interviewed javon

i can tell that your paper is focused on physical appearance.
Physical appearance plays the largest role in being cool because people make assumptions about what they see over what they know.

i am sure that you have fashion magazines laying around and this paragraph my be similar to the one i wrote larche but i think it is helpful
There are many guide on the internet to be cool, although the largest and the most helpful guides today are fashion magazines. nylon and teen vogue are very popular among adolescence because it is a time in life where being cool is very important. this is almost a guide to teen life, they tell stories about struggle. that can sharpen social skills and help resolve drama. they are guides and we are merchants of cool.

i know that you had a short bit of opposing views but maybe expand on it and talk about how it contradicts it self

January 22, 2010 4:44 AM

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