Sunday, September 13, 2009

Topics that come to mind are the ability to put information about yourself or anyone else, something that is positive or negative, anyone whom has access to the internet is able to can find this information. Then to turn on the news and watch hour segments on facebook and twitter. I start thinking is this what the world has come to where people are more worried about how many friends or followers they have. Then I question is this not bad? The internet has made communication unbelievably easy. People are able to communicate via video live with other people that can be on the other side of the globe. (Conor S) The internet is also amazing when it comes to school, research papers can be difficult looking books at a library, with the internet type in the subject, scroll down the page to see what showed up and click a the link. Growing up surrounded be computers has been ridiculous i have never not had a computer. i don't know what it is like to live in the analog ages. While sitting and watching the VMA's I thought is this what matters to me?

1 comment:

  1. Jin in your blog, you mentioned that because of the techonology we have today, we are able to easily find information or commuicate with people that are cross country.

    Technology can have a positive and negative effect on the world is mentioned in your blog, and i agree because it can cause lazyness or something happening quicker, like sending an e-mail as to sending a letter.

    In your blog you just mentioned that technology had negative and positive aspects but you did not allaborate on what were the negative aspects that happen because of the technology.

    In your post you mentioned it helps us write research papers, and this made me think that the internet had made my exhibition process much easier and not once have I gone to a book to look for research.

    I look foward to more post you put up becuase I can relate to what you believe.
